Sunday, September 15th • 1:00-4:30 PM
CALLBACKS - 3:00-4:30 PM
Please register for an “initial audition” appointment time in the Audition Registration Form below.
Three Rivers Music Theatre
416 W 4th Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46808
PDFs of the full play AND audition sides for the initial audition and callbacks are available for download in links below the character description of each role below. Callbacks will pair auditionees together in the role(s) for which they are auditioning. Memorization encouraged for the initial audition material. Callback material does not have to be memorized, but familiarity is an obvious benefit.
Mondays-Thursdays, 7:00-10:00 PM
October 7th - 31st, 2024
Sunday, November 3rd • 1:00-9:00 PM
Monday, November 4th • 6:30-10:00 PM
Tuesday, November 5th • 6:30-10:00 PM
Wednesday, November 6th • 6:30-10:00 PM
Thursday, November 7th • 6:00-10:00 PM
Friday, November 8 - 8PM
Saturday, November 9 - 8PM
Sunday, November 10 - 6PM
Friday, November 15 - 8PM
Saturday, November 16 - 8PM
Sunday, November 17 - 6PM
Friday, November 22 - 8PM
Saturday, November 23 - 8PM
Sunday, November 24 - 6PM
Monday, November 25 • 6:00-10:00 PM
Please note rehearsal conflicts on the audition form below. Tech Rehearsal and Performance conflicts cannot be accommodated.
Sister Aloysius Beauvier (White, Female Presenting, Age Presenting: 50’s – 70’s)
Principal of St. Nicholas School, she stands as a bastion of traditional Catholic education. As a strict disciplinarian, she is unwavering in her commitment to the conservative ways of the church, believing firmly in the power of rigorous academic and moral instruction. Unsparing and by-the-book, Sister Aloysius enforces the rules with an unsentimental hand, ensuring that her school upholds the values she holds sacred. Driven by an unyielding sense of duty, she is a formidable educator who will not budge on her convictions.
Father Brendan Flynn (White, Male Presenting, Age Presenting: 30’s – 50’s) A warm and affable priest with a working-class background, he is cherished for his commitment to good works at St. Nicholas Church. Articulate and personable, he embodies a youthful yet wise spirit, advocating for a progressive Catholic Church that connects empathetically with the general public. Emphasizing closeness over distance, Father Flynn engages warmly with his parishioners, guiding them with a gentle hand as he aspires to make faith a relatable and living experience.
Sister James (White, Female Presenting, Age Presenting: 20’s – 30’s) A youthful nun and an enthusiastic educator at the St. Nicholas School, Sister James embodies both innocence and an unwavering commitment to her faith. Her heart radiates warmth, drawing students to confide in her. Though her tender-hearted nature makes her easily swayed, life’s harsh realities compel her to confront difficult decisions. Her journey is one of balancing her innate kindness with the complexities of the world.
Mrs. Muller (Black or Black/Mixed, Female Presenting, Age Presenting: 30’s – 40’s) A composed, strict, working-class mother who is fiercely dedicated to her son, Donald. Caught in a heart-wrenching tug-of-war between ensuring her son’s current safety and not jeopardizing his educational prospects, she exemplifies the tenacity and complex sacrifices inherent in motherhood.